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FindBugs Users

There are a lot of FindBugs users; as of September 2006, we've had more than 270,000 downloads.

FindBugs is used in many companies and organizations. We don't have a list of all the users of FindBugs, and we don't have permission to identify many of the companies where we know FindBugs is being used (getting this permission often involves red tape and lawyers). But here are some statics from Google Analytics showing unique visitors to the FindBugs web pages for the months of June through August, 2006.

Downloads by country

Cities with the most downloads

FindBugs Users

The following companies, projects and organizations have given us permission to identify them as FindBugs users and/or have publically stated that they use FindBugs. Send email to if you'd like to be listed here.

ITA Software Glassfish
Java Server Faces ObjectLab
SAT 4j SleepyCat

FindBugs Supporters

The following companies, organizations and institutions provide financial support for FindBugs. Tax deductable donations to support FindBugs can be made to the University of Maryland.

Sun Microsystems National Science Foundation
Univ. of Maryland

Last updated 03/06/2015 18:06:03.

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